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Pet Services + English

  • Abortion is the delivery of a dead foal and its placenta before an age at which the foal would have been able to survive independently. This is usually taken to be up to day 300-310 of gestation.

  • Canine hot spots are red, inflamed skin lesions that appear quickly, ooze, and may contain pus. They are the result of a dog excessively scratching, licking, or chewing at an itch. There are several possible underlying causes of the itch and it is crucial to determine what it is to successfully treat the problem. This handout explains these possible causes and the treatment(s) required to resolve them.

  • Birds are naturally mischievous and if not properly supervised, will get into many predicaments. It is crucial that you bird proof your home. The bird's cage is its house and the confines of your home represent the bird's environment.

  • Many people think that because cats are finicky eaters they are poisoned less often than dogs. However, with their curiosity and fastidious grooming, intoxication is, unfortunately, not uncommon. Several factors predispose cats to becoming ill once they have been exposed to even a small amount of a poisonous substance.

  • By using positive reinforcement, consistency, and good supervision it is simple to housetrain most dogs. Start housetraining right away, or even before you bring home a new puppy or dog. Most puppies will pause activity, sniff, and sometimes circle before squatting or posturing to eliminate. Other puppies may act generally restless and agitated when they have a full bladder or bowel. Watch closely for these signs, so you can help your puppy be successful. The goals of housetraining are to have your dog eliminate in the right areas, eliminate immediately when asked, communicate the need to eliminate, eliminate on or off leash, and when you are near a person, and hold bladder and bowels when inside/not in the elimination area. This handout describes easy to follow instructions to help housetrain your puppy. If your previously well housetrained dog begins making mistakes, always consult your veterinarian for guidance.

  • Mini-pigs may be housed successfully inside if they are given enough space, an area in which to root, and proper environmental enrichment. Ideally pet pigs should have access to a safe area of untreated lawn outside in which to root and chew on grass. Pet pigs generally like to urinate and defecate in a single area that is far from where they eat and sleep and can be trained to eliminate either inside and outside. Pigs in urban environments may be taught to walk on a leash/harness and go outside like dogs. If this is not feasible, they can be trained to use a litter pan indoors.

  • If your pet had an emergency crisis, how would you manage it? Ask your veterinary hospital how they handle after-hour emergencies. Use this handout to help you plan ahead and be prepared in the event of a pet-health emergency.

  • Since cats are living longer and longer, they are also experiencing the deterioration and debilitation that goes along with aging. This includes the development of osteoarthritis. No one is in a better position to identify the subtle changes in behavior that may signal pain than human family members. You may observe changes in the following: vocalization, daily activities, daily habits, facial expressions, or posture. Your cat may show uncharacteristic behavior to other pets or family members. If you notice any of these changes, contact your veterinarian.

  • Since dogs are living longer and longer, they are also experiencing the deterioration and debilitation that goes along with aging. This includes the development of osteoarthritis. No one is in a better position to identify the subtle changes in behavior that may signal pain than human family members. You may observe changes in the following: vocalization, daily activities, daily habits, facial expressions, or posture. Your dog may show uncharacteristic behavior to other pets or family members. If you notice any of these changes, contact your veterinarian.

  • Dogs use their noses infinitely more than humans to get around in the world and gather information. With specialized olfactory organs that detect pheromones, dogs' sense of smell is thousands of times better than humans.